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Press Release: Brazil IT Giant RNP Partners with US-based Ascend Education

Contract Signing  e scaled



PROVO, UT, August 27, 2019 – One of Brazil’s largest information technology organizations, National Network for Research and Instruction (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisas – RNP), cements partnership with leading online training provider, Ascend Education of Provo, UT.

RNP provides the internet backbone and training services to Brazil’s federal universities, government agencies, and military. RNP’s educational arm, the School of Higher Learning in Networking (Escola Superior de Redes – ESR), maintains a training presence in all 26 Brazilian states and the national capital. On August 27, 2019, RNP officially announced its partnership with Ascend Education at Forum RNP 2019, an international conference for digital learning in the Brazilian capital city of Brasilia.

In addition, ESR connects 600 institutions located throughout Brazil and provides distance learning services nationwide. Under the partnership agreement, Ascend will provide its leading cloud-based courseware and learning platform to these training centers. The all-inclusive training solution provides virtual labs, video training, textbook quality written lessons, and practice quizzes and exams in an effort to prepare students for the IT workforce. 

“After an exhaustive survey of available resources,” said Renato Duarte, RNP’s Support and Operations Coordinator, “we couldn’t find anything to match Ascend’s learning platform.”

The move strengthens RNP’s position as a training leader and represents an ongoing effort to close the IT skills gap.

“Cloud-based services are the most cost-effective ways to reach more students via distance learning and provide them the skills to succeed in today’s workplace,” said Roy Olsen, Ascend’s Director of Market Development. “This partnership will bring better and more effective training to students throughout Brazil and the U.S.”

Visit Ascend Education’s website for more information on how its state-of-the-art courseware can help your organization thrive.

About Ascend Education: Located in Utah’s Silicon Slopes region, Ascend Education is one of the fastest growing companies in the technical training field. With significant executive and related industry experience among its management team, Ascend has established itself as a leader in the online training space with one of the most complete cloud-based training solutions in the market.

About RNP: RNP’s Networks School (Escola Superior de Redes – ESR) has established itself in the Brazilian market as a provider of knowledge and qualification. RNP currently offers more than 50 courses covering seven educational disciplines and trains more than 15,000 professionals throughout Brazil. 


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