Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
This course will give students an introduction to the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform. We provide quizzes, assessments, and a practice exam to prepare individuals to pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam.

Hands-On Experience
This course provides a unique, hands-on environment that gives those taking the course the opportunity to implement the skills they are learning in real life scenarios. These labs allow individuals to experiment with Microsoft programs and make changes to see how they would apply in a real-life scenario. Not only does this learning environment better prepare you for the future, it also gives you an opportunity to test new ideas and grow your overall understanding of Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.
Prepare For Your Exam
Not only does the visual and hands-on learning improve your ability to learn and retain information, it also provides you with experience that helps you excel in your career. Many other AZ-900 courses offer labs that only have one solution. At Ascend Education, we understand that there’s more than one way to achieve results. Our course’s advanced design allows you to make decisions and solve problems the same way you would on the job. Obtain the knowledge you need to excel in the IT industry with this all-inclusive AZ-900 course.

Course Summary
AZ-900 is an entry level Microsoft Azure Certification. This course will introduce students to Azure service offerings including storage, virtual machines, databases and developer solutions. The architectural components of Microsoft Azure include Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS), which is basic computing and storage services. Azure also includes Platform As A Service (PAAS), which deals with application hosting environment solutions. Azure also offers Software As A Service (SAAS), on demand applications such as Office 365. This course will cover how cloud computing differs from on premises computing, as well as learning about the variety of cloud models supported by Azure.
- Video Lessons
- Virtual Labs
- Text Lessons
- Assessments
Course Features
Virtual labs give students experience practicing and implementing the skills they will learn about in this Microsoft Azure Fundamentals course. These labs run on real hardware that enable students to develop the hands-on skills required in the Microsoft technologies industry. Within the sandbox environment, students can make mistakes and see how their actions affect a real system. This is different from a simulated lab where students are led through a simulated environment that has only one solution and a single path to accomplish a given task. A student’s access to a complete software and hardware resource helps them fully engage in discovery, solution finding, and problem solving. They will be able to earn their Microsoft certification or final grade with a truly hands-on approach that prepares them for the workforce.
Each Ascend Education course contains text that was written by industry experts. The written portion of each course acts like a textbook replacement for individuals. If you are looking to pass a certification exam, you can trust that the text has been written with you in mind. The order and format of each course prepares you to be successful on your exam. The text sections coincide with the labs, videos and assessments teaching a particular topic.
Ascend Education’s videos are engaging and present the most current content available in Microsoft training. The format of our videos was designed by expert instructional designers in order to increase learning absorption; studies have shown that instructional videos that are less than 6 minutes in length result in improved learning.
The video content for this course includes definitions, examples, comparisons, an overview of difficult topics found in the text and thorough demonstrations of what is covered in the material. This format enhances a student’s learning experience and retention, preparing them for their Microsoft certification exam and getting them job ready.
This Microsoft Azure Fundamentals course includes practice quizzes and a final exam prepared by industry experts. Practice quiz questions are found in each section of the course and will help students know which areas they are understanding well, and which areas they may need to work on before taking their final exam.

100% Satisfaction – Guaranteed
Our number one priority is helping you excel in your IT career. Purchase access to our full AZ-900 course curriculum and try all the features. If within 30 days (and less than 10 hours spent in the course) you’re not satisfied with the course, reach out to us to request a full refund. Whether you’re looking for technical assistance, access to a different course, or simply have a question – whatever the problem, Ascend Education is here to provide a courseware solution.
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