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cybersecurity training

Scammers Are Getting More Clever

Many people think they are exempt from being scammed; however, that is not the case! Scammers are becoming more and more clever in their schemes, and we all need to become more aware of these hurtful practices. No one is safe when it comes to falling victim to scams. Krebs on Security discusses how many industry professionals are getting tricked by scammers through phone calls in his blog titled “Voice Phishing Scams Are Getting More Clever.”

Cell Phone Privacy

5 Apps for improving your phone’s data security

Ascend Education recently released part three of its series on the top smartphone security threats today. The article tackles cyber threats like screen lockers and ransomware. Considering that the topic is already in its third edition, it’s clear that our data can be compromised in creative and unexpected ways via our phones. It’s important to note that educating yourself on these threats is the first step to creating better security for you and your devices, as hackers can easily exploit a lack of understanding when it comes to cyber threats.

Data security

Data loss prevention – Part 2

Our last post examined the important concepts of what Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is.  In this post, we now examine the required controls that are needed to safeguard these datasets, as well as the important features you need to look out for as you pick a particular DLP solution for your business.

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Trends in online education in 2018

Online education is continually growing in the United States. Many experts have conducted research on the progression and direction of online education. USNews reported on this flexible alternative to traditional college courses by stating four trends that students should watch out for in 2018.

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