IT Education Can Help You Land Your Dream Job. Here’s How!
Are you looking to take the leap and change your job? Or are you tired of working in your present role and want to try something new that’s well rewarding and satisfying?
Are you looking to take the leap and change your job? Or are you tired of working in your present role and want to try something new that’s well rewarding and satisfying?
The demand for skilled information technology (IT) professionals has increased dramatically over the past years. With many industries joining the wave of digital transformation, job openings shot up by 25% in 2022, while salaries have also become more competitive.
Representatives from Ascend Education attended and presented at the WASTC Winter ICT Educators Conference last week. Hundreds of college and university instructors, as well as IT industry experts, attended the conference. The conference was entirely virtual, with breakout sessions focused on yesterday’s foundations, today’s workforce, and tomorrow’s skill.
The job market for IT professionals continues to flourish, especially as companies develop and expand their digital infrastructure to support consumers’ demand for digital access to products and services. A Tech Jobs report showed that job postings for tech-focused professions were up by 45% between January and June this year.
The field of information technology is growing rapidly and will continue to increase in demand
and scope. As the demand for skilled IT professionals continues to grow, the market for coding
boot camps has expanded to help meet that need.
Angel Sayani is only 19 years old and has already accomplished so much in her few years as a student and professional. Within a period of just 7 months, she passed 13 exams on her first attempt, so she now holds 13 expert-level industry certifications. In that time, she also
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