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data loss prevention

Data security

Data loss prevention – Part 2

Our last post examined the important concepts of what Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is.  In this post, we now examine the required controls that are needed to safeguard these datasets, as well as the important features you need to look out for as you pick a particular DLP solution for your business.

Data loss prevention

Data loss prevention – Part 1

To any business or corporation, information and data are the blood flow of daily operations.  This consists of market intelligence as it relates to your competition, the sensitive customer information (such as contact info, credit card/banking numbers, etc.) and even your own internal data.  Safeguarding all of this data is a must, not only from it being hacked into, but also by making sure that only the authorized employees have access to it.

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Adidas Data Breach

Breach of security is a common topic in the news today, especially when it involves compromising the safety of consumers’ private information. Many consumers became more aware of the significant effects of data breaches earlier this year when the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal broke out; although, we have seen many large data breaches in the past.


Be Aware of Malware

Cybersecurity is a growing field in this developing technology era; it is something that any organization has to pay attention to because of the many cyber threats present in today’s society. Read the following blog post written by Chris Brook for Digital Guardian about potential, and very destructive, malware threats.

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