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Face the music

Time to face the online learning music

The phrase, “time to face the music” started appearing in American literature and verbiage in the mid-19th century. The origin of this phrase is unclear, but there are two good possibilities. The first likely origin came from the tradition of a disgraced military officer being drummed out of their regiment. The second theory is that it’s referring to the moment before an actor would go on stage and face the orchestra pit.


An introduction to the public key infrastructure

Just using Private Keys is no longer the norm in cryptography today – using a combination of both Public and Private Keys is, and it’s known as “Asymmetric Cryptography.” A type of Asymmetric Cryptography that is deployed widely today is known as the “Public Key Infrastructure,” or PKI for short.


Are college students prepared?

For many, a college education is a goal never to be realized. For others, the college education is achieved, but their potential isn’t fully unlocked. When someone graduates from college, are they really prepared for the workforce?

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