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Cancellation Policy

Subscription Cancellation Policy

After your trial period, you will automatically be billed monthly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. You are responsible for the full subscription fee in the monthly billing cycle in which you cancel. Once your account has been billed, all sales are final and there will be no refunds.

How To Cancel

Go to your Manage Subscription at the bottom of the website, then click on “Subscription”, then click on the “Cancel” link. Be sure to continue processing your cancellation until you receive the final confirmation page, your subscription will not be cancelled until you have reached this page.

Other Cancellation Options


Go to Manage Subscription, then click on “Subscription”, then click on the “Cancel” link. Be sure to continue processing your cancellation until you receive the final confirmation page, your subscription will not be cancelled until you have reached this page.

Email Us

 Send an email to with the following subject line: Cancel Account # [insert first and last name here]. We will respond to your emails as soon as possible, but please take into consideration office hours.

Online Chat

Our live support chat is available Monday – Friday 8AM-5PM Mountain Time.

Call Us

Call us at (385) 482-0821. We’re available Monday – Friday from 9AM-5PM Mountain Time.


Leave a message with the name of the account you would like to have cancelled.

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