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Data security

Data loss prevention – Part 2

Our last post examined the important concepts of what Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is.  In this post, we now examine the required controls that are needed to safeguard these datasets, as well as the important features you need to look out for as you pick a particular DLP solution for your business.

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Trends in online education in 2018

Online education is continually growing in the United States. Many experts have conducted research on the progression and direction of online education. USNews reported on this flexible alternative to traditional college courses by stating four trends that students should watch out for in 2018.

Data security

Avoiding card skimmers at the pump

Many of us have heard of fuel dispensers being a target for card-skimming devices.  Brian Krebs wrote a post on his blog “Krebs on Security” on how to avoid these card skimmers, and he uses the San Antonio Police Department as a source for tips. Some of these tips include using only new fuel dispensers that have a horizontal card slot accompanied by a raised metal keypad and using only credit cards at the pump. To read the rest of his great post, check out the link above.

Data loss prevention

Data loss prevention – Part 1

To any business or corporation, information and data are the blood flow of daily operations.  This consists of market intelligence as it relates to your competition, the sensitive customer information (such as contact info, credit card/banking numbers, etc.) and even your own internal data.  Safeguarding all of this data is a must, not only from it being hacked into, but also by making sure that only the authorized employees have access to it.

Virtualization page

The Future of Virtualization

Server virtualization is a virtualization technique that involves breaking up a physical server into multiple small, virtual servers using a virtualization software. In his post for NetworkWorld called What’s the Future of Server Virtualization, Neil Weinberg describes the benefits of server virtualization and the different types of server virtualization.

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